Sports Themed Crosswalk Nanaimo BC

This new and colourful crosswalk at Beban Park connecting the parking lot to the pool, Social Centre and arena was designed by artist Humanity In Art. The design highlights some of Nanaimo’s favourite activities, including tennis, skating, lacrosse, golf, hiking and more, all of which can be played at Beban Park. Commissioned by the City of […]

Pictograph Themed Crosswalk Sechelt BC

decorative crosswalk sechelt

Local Indigenous Artist Dionne Paul kicked off National Aboriginal History Month June 1st with a spectacular new pictograph themed crosswalk at Cowrie Street and Trail Avenue intersection in Sechelt on Sunshine Coast BC Canada which tells the origin story of the shíshálh Nation

Alexandra Greenway Public Art Installation

Alexandra Greenway

The Alexandra Greenway, community public art and beatification project in Richmond BC, was created by the Bagua Artist Association. The installation utilizes DuraTherm, a design flexible and durable preformed thermoplastic material that is inlaid into imprinted asphalt.